Recently Published Articles
Shum, K. Z., Barry, E., Kiefer, S., Fefer, S., Suldo, S., Mahony‐Atallah, K., Ferron, J., Blass, J., DiLeo, L., Lothrop, H., Bauermeister, N. (2024). Adapting a positive psychology intervention using the ecological validity model: Process and lessons learned. Contemporary School Psychology. [Download PDF]
Shum, K. Z., Suldo, S., Lee, J., Ferron, J., Shaunessey-Dedrick, E., Dedrick, R. (2024). Investigating the effects of Motivational Interviewing compared to action planning in support of the emotional and academic success of ninth grade students in Advanced Placement classes. School Mental Health. [Download PDF]
Shum, K. Z., Suldo, S., Shaunessy-Dedrick, E., O’Brennan, L. M. (2024). A qualitative exploration of the facilitators and barriers of cognitive engagement among high school students in accelerated curricula. Journal of Advanced Academics. [Download PDF]
Suldo, S., Fefer, S., & Shum, K. Z. (2024). Positive psychology in group therapy. In Christner, R. W., Stewart, J. L., & Mulligan, C. (Eds.), Handbook of cognitive-behavior group therapy for children and adolescents (second edition).
Parker, J., Shum, K. Z., Suldo, S., Shaunessy-Dedrick, E., Ferron, J., & Dedrick, R. (2019). Predictors of adaptive help seeking across male and female high school students enrolled in college level courses. Psychology in the Schools.
Castillo, J., Wang, H. H., Daye, J., Shum, K. Z., March, A. (2017). A longitudinal analysis of the relations between professional development, educators’ beliefs and perceived skills, and RtI implementation. Journal of Educational & Psychological Consultation.